FOCA Funding Function – How it Works Q&A

Why is FOCA needed to help raise additional funds for CRLS athletics? FOCA supported fund raising enhances the quality of athletics by providing for goods, services and programming that often fall outside the CPS budget. These supplements also give coaches added encouragement, foster a greater sense of ownership among players, increase parent engagement, and help build community through the event nature of many fund raisers.

Why is it necessary to have a non-profit fiscal conduit? Supplemental funds cannot be held within the school/city accounts or by individual coaches or staff. It is therefore necessary to establish supporting ‘booster clubs’ like FOCA. As a non-profit FOCA provides for tax deductible donations, possesses an independent bank account with separate team accounts, and draws on parent volunteers for management.

How are the funds raised and used? Teams participate in fund-raising with coach and parent support. Proceeds are spent at the Athletic Director and coaches discretion on goods and services. While most of the funds raised go directly to team accounts a percentage goes to the FOCA ‘general fund.’ These general funds are dispersed through a grant application process to which coaches apply. The fund also supports special projects, launch of new sports programs like Orienteering, and between season fitness training. College scholarships are another destination for the general fund.