Thursday April 3rd | 6:00pm – 7:30pm | CRLS Media Cafe

Join FOCA Cookies & Conversations with Spring Sports Coaches 

Thursday April 3, 6.00 – 7.30pm

@ Media Cafe, CRLS

Friends of Cambridge Athletics (FOCA) invites all caregivers of student athletes to meet other members of the athletics community (caregivers / coaches / department members). 

Meet other caregivers of student-athletes, have your sports questions answered, find out how you can support your student athlete and how you can get involved with the CRLS Athletics Community.

If you have questions, please email Maija Pratt Rojas, Friends of Cambridge Athletics (FOCA) President. FOCA is a volunteer, caregiver-led non-profit organization supporting CRLS athletic teams and clubs, through collaboration with the Athletic Director, coaches, PE and Health staff and other school and city leaders.