Dial in to https://meet.google.com/fam-swky-nbz to hear more about FOCA’s mission, goals, and upcoming activities. If you are interested in getting involved on the FOCA board or have ideas about ways to support the sports teams, or have specific skills that you would like to put to good use (e.g. web-building skills, event management, fundraising, knowledge of businesses in the community), please join us to learn more!
FOCA is a volunteer, parent-led non-profit organization supporting CRLS athletic teams and clubs, through collaboration with the Athletic Director, coaches, PE and Health staff and other school and city leaders.
Dial in to https://meet.google.com/fam-swky-nbz to hear more about FOCA’s mission, goals, and upcoming activities. If you are interested in getting involved on the FOCA board or have ideas about ways to support the sports teams, or have specific skills that you would like to put to good use (e.g. web-building skills, event management, fundraising, knowledge of businesses in the community), please join us to learn more!
FOCA is a volunteer, parent-led non-profit organization supporting CRLS athletic teams and clubs, through collaboration with the Athletic Director, coaches, PE and Health staff and other school and city leaders.