March 12  | 6 – 6:45 PM | GoogleMeet

Do you have, or know, a student athlete? Do you want to support athletes at CRLS? Do you want to meet other caregivers and help build community across the teams and within CRLS?

If so, join the Friends of Cambridge Athletics (FOCA) meeting on Tuesday March 12, 6pm – 6.45pm.  The meeting will focus on the FOCA 5km City Run / Walk and will have open discussion time for spring team liaisons. This is the last meeting before the race – if you want to know more about how to participate, how to volunteer and how to get involved, please join us! 

FOCA is a volunteer, caregiver-led non-profit organization supporting CRLS athletic teams and clubs, through collaboration with the Athletic Director, coaches, PE and Health staff and other school and city leaders.

Google Meet joining info: