April 9  | 6 – 6:45 PM | GoogleMeet

Did you go to the FOCA 5km City Run / Walk? Did you go to the Cookies event? Have any feedback? Want to improve our events and get more involved? Come to the the Friends of Cambridge Athletics (FOCA) meeting on Tuesday April 9, 6pm – 6.45pm.  The meeting will focus on review of recent events (FOCA 5km City Run / Walk, Cookies in the Community), we will have open discussion time for spring team liaisons and will talk about Board opportunities.

FOCA is a volunteer, caregiver-led non-profit organization supporting CRLS athletic teams and clubs, through collaboration with the Athletic Director, coaches, PE and Health staff and other school and city leaders.

Google Meet joining info: https://meet.google.com/ubp-iwsu-htu